Author: Adam

MMM: Metroproject Quattro

More on the upcoming A1. Or not, as the case may be. The word “innovative” is a bit of a stretch for a car that’s essentially just extending a concept Toyota brought to market a decade ago.

AutoMotoPortal: The drive unit for the metroproject quattro showcases a fully independent, innovative hybrid technology. At work under the bonnet is a 1.4.litre TFSI engine developing 110 kW (150 bhp), whose power is directed to the front wheels by means of the S-tronic Direct Shift Gearbox. A 30 kW (41 bhp) electric motor positioned on the rear axle is able to deliver up to an additional 200 Nm of torque when the vehicle is accelerating. When boosting, in other words driving the vehicle simultaneously by TFSI and electric motor to achieve a dynamic driving style, the study is transformed from a front-wheel-drive car to a quattro, and power is transferred to the road in the most effective way possible.

Nice arse though.

Metroproject Quattro

(Yes, the Prius really is 10 years old now. Seems like less because it was only available on the grey market before 2001. So there.)

MMM: Toyota Wireframe

They say this isn’t shopped. I’m pretty sure I don’t believe them.

Toyota Wireframe

Thanks Fergus!

MMM: Home-Made Heli

I think I might actually prefer to be in this than the wonky-looking yoke on Celtic Helicopters’ website.

Home-Made Heli

Yahoo: Mubarak Muhammad Abdullahi, a 24-year-old physics undergraduate in northern Nigeria, takes old cars and motorbikes to pieces in the back yard at home and builds his own helicopters from the parts.

“It took me eight months to build this one,” he said, sweat pouring from his forehead as he filled the radiator of the banana yellow four-seater which he now parks in the grounds of his university.

The chopper, which has flown briefly on six occasions, is made from scrap aluminium that Abdullahi bought with the money he makes from computer and mobile phone repairs, and a donation from his father, who teaches at Kano’s Bayero university.

It is powered by a second-hand 133 horsepower Honda Civic car engine and kitted out with seats from an old Toyota saloon car. Its other parts come from the carcass of a Boeing 747 which crashed near Kano some years ago.

More privacy violations at Facebook

Valleywag: “My friend got a call from her friend at Facebook, asking why she kept looking at his profile,” says a privacy-conscious source at a major tech company. Turns out Facebook employees can (and do) check out anyone’s profile. Not only that, but they also see which profiles a user has viewed — a major privacy violation. If you’ve been obsessed with a workmate or classmate, Facebook employees know. If Barack Obama’s intern has been using the campaign account to troll for hotties, Facebook employees know. Within the company, it’s considered a job perk, and employees check this data for fun.

Damien recently said “hah” on my “Wall” on Facebook. He didn’t see fit to reply when I asked what he meant – although it’s possible it has the same retarded design as Bebo’s – but at a guess I’d say he was poking fun at the fact that I’m actually on Facebook, given my larting of it in several locations. In actual fact I’ve been a member since it opened, just like I’m a member of Bebo, MySpace, and most other “Web 2.0” sites. I’m an Internet consultant, it’s my job to keep an eye on these things; plus, when your biggest clients add you to their networks, it’s generally not a good idea to tell them to fuck off.

It doesn’t stop me hating them, and their disdain for privacy. I’ve read several posts recently saying that Facebook is going to become the de facto social networking site across the board, not just for the social networking addicts, but for professionals too. And they may be right, and Facebook certainly seems to be trying to accomodate them; but that doesn’t mean that they have the best platform, or more importantly, the best practices and policies. It means they have the most sheep.

I don’t want to be a member of Facebook. I’ll stay a member because it may be good for business in the long run, but I won’t visit it unless I have to. I’d much prefer to spend my time – and money, if necessary – on something like LinkedIn. It has problems too, but it’s just better put together and better thought out. That’s where business people should be, not bleating at each other like idiots and getting nothing done on Facebook.

“Entitlement Mentality”

Does anybody in the music industry get it? I hear stories about artists that get it, but I’ve yet to actually meet one. Take Flick here, whose basic premise is:

“As consumers, we seem to feel entitled to have full access to music, and we wince at the thought of paying for it.”

To which one of his commentors responded:

“I like how you just pull numbers straight out of your motherfucking ass. For example, “Someone that received the promotional copy decided to place the album on a Torrent site. Now anyone can download your album for free and you won’t see a single penny.” That’s just bullshit and if you’re too mired in the glory days of ripping off the consumer, then you’re obviously on your way out.”

The emphasis above is mine. Of course Spencer there is a retard for putting it like a petulant child, but he picked up on the exact same sentence I did; a frankly stupid comment in an otherwise reasonable post. (Apart from that contract Flick signed of course; I mean, Jesus! :) (more…)

Tall Brains

I always knew there was something a bit weird about them…

It's not a hat at all!

Cool Loos

I’ve always wanted a go in the transparent one, but I actually want this one. The Jungle Jim’s one is very clever too.

Cool Loo

OMG I’m a vampire!

In german, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.