Category: Motoring

MMM: 2010 Camaro

It looks like the US has found it’s muscle car feet again, after years in the wilderness. The new Camaro will look a lot like this, albeit with a b-pillar.

2010 Camaro

Sadly the Challenger will gain a pillar too, but I can’t see it taking too much from these cars if they don’t screw with the concepts too much.

MMM: Stout Scarab

Retro-futuristic concept from Frankfurt perhaps? No, this spaceframe-monocoque MPV, with independent suspension, coil springs, flexible seating and push-button doors, was built in the 1930s by a gent named Bill Stout.

Stout Scarab

Unfortunately it was about four times more expensive than comparable cars, so it’s been consigned to history, it’s innovations mostly forgotten.

(Thanks to kingdom hoop for the pointer.)

MMM: Nice Manta

There’s a difference between liking Mantas and being obsessed with Mantas like Jalopnik, but I do like them, and I’m afraid I’m partial to the old wide body kit too so this one revs me up. Sorry, I know it makes me a bad person, but what can you do?


(The Playboy sticker is a step too far though.)  

MMM: Don’t Want One

It’s just silly, isn’t it. And so un-Audi; even the RS4 is relatively subtle.

Monday Motoring Madness

MMM stands for Monday Motoring Madness, in case you were wondering.

I don’t see why Bruce and Damien should have all the fun with woefully uncreative themes.