MMM: Audi A1

Sorry for the lack of MMM last Monday. One Of Those Weeks.

Mark sent me an article about the upcoming Audi A1. Unfortunately it’s in Swedish so I haven’t a bull’s* notion what it says, but I must look into it later so I’ll report back if I spy anything interesting.

Audi A1

Not bad looking in general, nice pillarless design, but what’s going on with that silver swoosh at the roofline?

* Have I gone overboard with the apostrophe there?

6 responses

  1. Ugh, I’m not a fan. Never liked the look of the Audi TT, hate the roundiness. Is that the engine in the back seat on picture 21/22?

  2. Looks more like a flux capacitor to me.

    I’ve always liked the first TT, despite the hairdresser looks, although it was a shame that spoiler had to be added. The second one has grown on me in a Nissan Z sort of way, and I’ve never been as annoyed as some by the gaping mouth look. I think it was seeing the RS4 spider ad before actually seeing it on the road that did it. This one looks blander every time I look at it though.

  3. It’s an electric motor (the concept car is a hybrid, and the electric motor and battery pack is good for around 100 km).

    Don’t you think the Audi grille makes it look a bit like the cars have goatees?

  4. Nope, although I think they might have gone a bit too far joining the two bits up. The Scream comes to mind.

  5. Hybrid system is the most impressive feature in the vehicle. It can make sure pretty good mileage. The vehicle doesn’t have many impressive features.