MMM: Fiat 500 2008 European Car of the Year

Have these awardwinning cars even shipped yet? I certainly haven’t see one.

Here’s mine, created with Italian flair and passion with in the groovy video configurator, that will now keep you entertained for far too long at work. Obviously it’s black.

Adam's 500

Adam's 500

Adam's 500

I’d actually buy that car, I really would.

5 responses

  1. God I’d go the other way around. I actually like the new Mini – I’ll pass on the all-caps name thanks – but I think I’d prefer one of these if I was trying to look cool. (Note use of ‘trying’.)

  2. Overdesigned. I think the “new” Mini is cooler. The 500 looks like they’ve tried too hard.

    Of course, I just bought a Ford Focus estate, so I can’t really make a claim for cool cars.

  3. I’d say the 500’d be a bit dinky for the modern boy racer. They do like their mid-sized hatches and saloons, so they do.