Audi TT RS

It’s a concept, it’s not real; it’s a concept, it’s not real. But it might be

Audi TT RS


3 responses

  1. Bizarrely, the most exciting motor news I’ve heard recently comes from Hyundai; the next generation of their Coupe is going to be RWD. I’m not a big fan of the imaginatively named Coupe but a cheap RWD coupe with a 2.7l V6 might be nice…

  2. I liekd the first generation S Coupé, and I quite like the current one – the bonnet is cool – but hated the one in the middle. Stupid looking thing. Any links to the new one? Googling ‘hyundai coupe’ gives me a load of crap.

  3. I couldn’t find a whole lot about it. There seems to be no concept pictures around and very little details apart from it being RWD. I’m only guessing they’ll carry over the 2.7l V6 from the current model.