Category: Random

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Is a complete, grammatically correct sentence according to Wikipedia. To buffalo means to bully, confuse, deceive or intimidate apparently, in addition to the two meanings you were probably already aware of. So the sentence is roughly equivalent to:

Bison from upstate New York who are intimidated by other bison in their community also happen to intimidate other bison in their community.

Poor buffalo!

Just a quick note to thank Frankp for the header image on the new WordPress skin here. This is a temporary skin and domain before I settle on a permanent one next month, and come out of the closet as a bl… before I finally admit that what I do here is actually bl…

Sorry, I just vomited a little. I’ll be alright later.

Clever government

Not ours obviously, the British one. They’re giving away energy monitors to anyone that requests one. I’d bet this is the first step on the road to mandatory energy monitoring and limits, via the fashion victims that’ll jump on the bandwagon when the greenies start putting these in their homes. Or am I giving too much credit? That’s the way I’d do it anyway.

Sorry for the lack of posts btw, I’ve been moving house. Yes, again.

Book recommendations please

Graham reminded me that it’s about time I did an order for books, so I have two picked out on The Book Depository and I’d like to add another two. Any recommendations? Fiction please, I have a ton of non-fiction to read but I have to be in the mood for it. Gripping or funny for preference. I like Michael Connolly, Lee Child, Carl Hiaasen, Harlen Coben, Terry Pratchett, etc.

Edit: I’ve just added Cory Doctorow’s “Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present” to my basket, so just one more boys and girls, just one more!

Edit: Finished up with The Difference Engine by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson. Guess posting my request on Friday was a bad idea. Still interested in recommendations though.

Africa and Europe set for tunnel link

Janey, I had no idea!

BBC: Plans to link Europe to Africa via a tunnel are gathering pace.

The Moroccan government has been holding talks with its Spanish counterparts to start the project, which would consist of a railway beneath the Strait of Gibraltar carrying freight, passengers and cars.

Work is expected to start in 2008.