Author: Adam

Home Heating Oil in East Cork

Sorry for the dull question, I’m too lazy to do actual research.

So, who’s available, who’s best, and who has the best price?


Well, Des actually. My Best Man. The one on the right. Or the left. One of them anyway. And his name isn’t actually Des, it’s Brendan. The whole thing is very confusing.

Des & Norm

Obama’s Paranoia Factor

Unfortunately the Guardian hasn’t seen fit to include an embed feature on their videos, so you’ll have to click through to view this video, sorry.

TBH, although Obama is ultimately the boss of his own campaign, the paranoia of his staff won’t turn me off supporting him. Clinton is a dirty player that could take on the Republicans on their own turf, you’d be paranoid too if you had to go up against her and her staff. But the video does give us an insight to how threatened the Obama team feels, despite the fact that when it was filmed, they must have been feeling fairly upbeat about their chances.

My worry now is that Americans will view NH as the final quarter, rather than the opening bell; that they’ll take NH as a given rather than an indicator, and switch allegiances in the misguided notion that the only way to get a Dem in the house is to go with Clinton. It isn’t, because Clinton can’t win it. Not just because America isn’t ready for a female president, but because it’s quite likely she’ll be up against McCain.

Seriously, next time Clinton’s on the telly, turn off the sound and think of her as the POTUS. It just doesn’t work, right? And next time you see dual head shots of her and McCain, ask yourself which one you’d vote for. See what I mean? She can’t do it.

Now, next time you see Obama on the telly, think of him as the POTUS. Sound off or on, it fits, right? You don’t even need to do the dual head shots with Obama and McCain, it’s a done deal.

(Via Daithí and Damien.)

MMM: driverTV

Yes yes yes, Monday is over. What-ever.

Time describes driverTV as a “car shopping site”, but a quick peruse didn’t turn up many shopping options. It would be a great first step for car research though – albeit US-centric – before you move onto the likes of the great Honest John, and dodgy forum threads and red book* valuations. Alternatively, you could simply browse luxobarges like me and think of it as simple car porn.

* It is red book, isn’t it? Blue book sounds familiar too.

The Airport Security Follies

Brilliant blog piece by author and pilot Patrick Smith in the Times. Somebody’s been reading Bruce Scheier.

New York Times Blog: Six years after the terrorist attacks of 2001, airport security remains a theater of the absurd. The changes put in place following the September 11th catastrophe have been drastic, and largely of two kinds: those practical and effective, and those irrational, wasteful and pointless.

The first variety have taken place almost entirely behind the scenes. Explosives scanning for checked luggage, for instance, was long overdue and is perhaps the most welcome addition. Unfortunately, at concourse checkpoints all across America, the madness of passenger screening continues in plain view. It began with pat-downs and the senseless confiscation of pointy objects. Then came the mandatory shoe removal, followed in the summer of 2006 by the prohibition of liquids and gels. We can only imagine what is next.

To understand what makes these measures so absurd, we first need to revisit the morning of September 11th, and grasp exactly what it was the 19 hijackers so easily took advantage of. Conventional wisdom says the terrorists exploited a weakness in airport security by smuggling aboard box-cutters. What they actually exploited was a weakness in our mindset — a set of presumptions based on the decades-long track record of hijackings.
