Author: Adam

Cork Comedy Festival

How good can Cork Comedy Festival’s organisation be when I hadn’t heard about it until Marcus’ post, less than two weeks before it starts? And when they can’t spell the name of the only act I actually recognise, Kevin McAleer? (Ed Byrne doesn’t count, near as I can tell he’ll do kid’s birthday parties if you pay for his travel expenses.)

However I’m into comedy and it’s my birthday the night Kevin’s playing, so I reckon I’ll catch an Improv session and himself in the Savoy on the 28th, if anyone would like to help me celebrate my – gasp – 35th. You won’t have to worry about my usual drunken routine, I’m on Lipotrim at the moment so I can’t drink anything bar water.

(I have to drink gallons of that, so at the very least you’ll get to laugh at me going to the toilet every 30 minutes, what with me having a bladder the size of an orange and all.)

Post a comment below if you’re coming. Good clean fun. It won’t be like you’re going out with me at all.

Italian parliament to go with SuSE

Great news for open source. Bizarre that the Italians went with a German distro though, and the French went with a South African one instead of Mandrakiva!

The Inquirer: The IT department of the Italian parliament today presented plans to begin migrating some 3500 desktop PCs, including those of its 630 MPs, away from Windows to SuSE Linux starting this September. The Camera dei deputati will also run SuSE on all of its two hundred servers.

This makes it the second and largest parliament in Europe to choose open sauce. The French parliament, with 577 seats, voted last year to have open sauce installed on all of its 1145 PCs. France decided on Ubuntu this February and the migration in the Parliament should be underway.

Alarm Rings

I’m not sure this’d wake my mot* from the depths, but dammit if it’s not a great idea for Normal People [TM].

Alarm Rings

* I don’t want to say ‘partner’, because, you know, I’m not a langer.

FIC/OpenMoko Neo v1 July 9, v2 October

I’ve been watching this phone like a hawk for some time, because it’s open standards across the board; i.e. both the software and hardware are – generally speaking – open.

This might not solve the horrendous problems mobile power users have to deal with overnight – proprietary connectors, proprietary synchronisation, etc – but in time it might just provoke the Symbians and the Nokias of this world to pull their heads out of their asses and realise that, really, proprietary is a dirty word; and that there’s plenty of money to be made out of compatibility. And, you know, happy customers.

There was always a slight worry that this might be another Optimus Maximus, but it looks now like that might not be the case, as the developers tell us that 400 first generation handsets are ready to ship in China, and another 600 are on the way. The price seems a bit cheeky at $300, and we don’t have much of a spec to go on, but remember this is a SIM-free Linux-based phone. The possibilities are endless.

That’s the first generation phone though, the next generation is slated for October and that currently has a price tag of €450. Ok, it’ll have 802.11b/g WiFi and upgraded hardware, but there’s no mention of a 3G radio – the 1st gen is 2.5G – and again, we still don’t know what the final OS will look like. I’m not sure I’m going to want to lash out that kind of money, after just spending a hefty whack of dosh on a Treo 680.

Hopefully they’ll spot this nasty hole in their spec before the 2nd gen handset is finalised, and I’ll be watching OpenMoko’s YouTube channel for a half-decent video of the handset in the meantime. Hopefully it’ll be pornographic enough for me to be naughty and actually buy one. And hopefully, fingers crossed, it won’t be another Sharp Zaurus.