Adam’s Birthday Festival

Birthday parties are very passé and blasé and other such things with accénts on them, so I’m having a Festival this year, because I’m better than everyone else.

As part of The Festival I shall be in the Franciscan Well Brewery on North Mall on Friday the 28th of July at 5pm. Wee green drinks will be consumed, an offensiveness competition will be held, and general naughtiness will ensue.

I have someone else’s party to go to on the Saturday of The Festival, for I am an important person, but if the weather’s like today on Sunday I’ll be heading to the beach for the afternoon, and the usual suspects are welcome if they RSVP.

I look forward to defending my assertion that this isn’t a blog on one or both of those occasions, loudly and most likely offensively!


4 responses

  1. The Well has its own website or Flash abomination (depending on your mood)…

    So how many candles ??

  2. 34 Michele. It’s an important age because it has a 3 and a 4 in it, and they’re right next to each other and stuff.