The Old Cork Xmas Decs

Via freshpopcorn on Boards. I know they had their problems, bulbs in particular, but these are what I think of as proper xmas decs, with proper xmas colours. The white ones bores me; the blue ones infuriate me.

Cork Decs

7 responses

  1. Nice find! I wonder who took that photo? I recently started a new blog, Old Photos of Cork where I’m stuffing lots of old photos I find. I’ll schedule this for closer to Christmas Day!

    1. Roy HAMMOND – was a part of a Cork calendar that he did…..I would say sometime in the 80’s!

  2. Thanks, will link there. I found it here too and that post is a year older. Google Image search is failing otherwise.

    1. The city is all footpath and cycling lanes now, and to what end? Better access to all the pound shops?

      The cycle lanes in particular drive me demented. Within weeks, the cyclists will start complaining about them, and they’ll be back on the road, or up on the footpath.

      The lanes down in Mahon just plain infuriate me. I’ve seen two cyclists using them recently, both cycling the wrong way, one using the cycling lane to get to the footpath. The wrong way. It’s all I can do not to mow them down.