HELP: What TV series should I watch next?

If current TV is anything to go by, it’s going to be a lean xmas. I have Burn Notice S01*, The Tudors S02 and Boosh S02 in my shopping cart, what else should I add? Here’s a basic list of stuff I like:

  • House
  • Dexter
  • Lie To Me
  • Fringe
  • CSI (Vegas, not NY, definitely not Miami, and I hate it since Grissom left)
  • Battlestar Galactica (new, not old)

* By gum, the person that issues takedowns for this is good. E04 and E05 were very difficult to get, and I can’t get E06+ at all!

2 responses

  1. Underbelly – especially season 1
    Boardwalk Empire

    Can’t think of any more right now but if you don’t watch both of these, you are stupid. The best tv I’ve watched in the past 12 months.

  2. Getting E01 of Underbelly now, ta Geoff.

    Guess I’m stupid on the Boardwalk Empire front, I watched the first 2 episodes and I have another 2 on my Ps3 but they’ve sat unwatched for several weeks now. I’ll probably watch them the next time the youngfella is down with me, but 3 and 4’d better hold my attention a bit better or that’ll be the end of it… :)