Negative reviews removed from

According to several people on While I can understand the commercial benefits to Menupages, I can’t understand why I’d want to use the site in any way, shape or form now. Pretty much defeats the purpose imho.

Course I don’t use it anyway, so I guess I won’t have much of an impact. Tried it a couple of months ago when I was looking for a nice restaurant to take the lovely wife too, but the usability was frankly embarassing. I reverted to the old reliable, and they trumped Menupages bigtime. Nicest evening out I’ve had in a long time.

Yay Chapter One, boo Menupages.

13 responses

  1. Hiya, I’m look after marketing and I’m interested in your comments.

    I’m happy to say that it is completely untrue that we remove bad reviews from the site – we post everything no matter how good or bad.

    We cannot to post anything litigious about a person so if you say ” the waitress called Sandra was a stupid xxxx” we will remove that line from your review but we put everything else up including the food was crud, won’t go again, hate that place!

    I challenge you to try it over the coming weeks as what you are saying simply isn’t true ;0)

    I would welcome any other comments about the site too.

    1. I have only found this site, so if Sandra is no longer workign for MP, then whoever is running the site, feel free to remove my message:

      Sandra, I sent in a comment on a ‘restaurant'(?) which was never published. 3 days later, I asked why it wasn’t published, to be told, what I said could be deemed as libelious – I complained about a serious urine odour emanating from the loo, & my Wife also complained of a smell from the ladies also.

      On looking at Your site, I noticed a similar complaint was up for the same restaurant the previous year. When I enquired over this anomaly, I was told, that the person who emailed me wasn’t the editor when that other comment was published. – so one standard for one person, another for another? Also, on asking why I had to ask why my review wsn’t up and hearing nothig until I asked, i was told, the editor was off, which is a load of BS as there were other reviews uploaded.

      I will NEVER EVER use MP again for reviews as You don’t/won’t allow comments on hygiene, which i fidn despicable.

  2. Someone replied to your post on calling you a liar Sandra, how do you respond to that? Do you have any objection to them posting the proof they allege they have?

    You might want to consult your solicitor about matters of law before responding btw; calling someone “stupid” might not be very nice, but it’s not actionable. Calling someone an “idiot” might possibly be actionable as it’s a medical term, but a judge would probably throw it out of court and get you to pay costs for wasting his time.

    You’re going to need to do better than that Sandra. People aren’t as stupid as you think they are.

  3. I have updated the site since this post to your site.

  4. Also, the stupid bit is by way of example – it’s the XXXX that would be actionable!

  5. I’ve seen your update, and it looks like putting out fires, not clarifications. Either way, I don’t agree with the policy, it’s duplicitous and non-transparent.

    BTW, profanity isn’t actionable either. Again, throwing out legal opinions willy-nilly is a bad idea. It could get you in the height of trouble.

  6. I never suggested profanity was actionable – you seem to be getting ahead of yourself. I’m surprised particularly with your obvious legal prowess. I am well aware of what the law is surrounding this issue. The removal of text from reviews is from a libel perspective – where a statement carries [what could be] a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual particularly in relation to identifiable people.

    Many thanks for your comments – no doubt, you will have noted in my comments, that I have already stated that we will put up new information regarding this so that it makes it easy and transparent for people to see that all reviews do actually go up onto the site and that is why we have a site with 1* all the way up to 5* reviews!

    I do smile though when I think, how it must be nice sitting up there, with the added protection of anonymity, looking down on us mere mortals. I hope life is fairer on you and that no one is as harsh on you, hidden behind a computer, as you are on me. At least I came out of the tall grass.

  7. Sandra, when you get defensive and personal, you just look more guilty. Feel free to click on About above if you’d like to know who I am. I’m not hiding anything. You obviously are. Your time would be better spent working on your website.

  8. Sandra, we all have the “protection of anonymity” as you put it, as apart from you saying you are Sandra, we don’t know if you are Sandra. Thus the “protection of anonymity”, I suppose. So get off your high horse.

  9. While a few months on from this thread, I’d like to update on this topic. I recently joined MenuPages to submit 2 reviews of restaurants I’d visited the weekend prior. One was a positive review about Siam Thai, and the second was a scathing review of Roly Sauls. The Siam Thai review was published within the advised 24 hours, but the Roly Saul Review has disappeared. I did not use any profanity nor name any staff personally. My review was strictly limited to the poor food, poor service, overpriced and disappointing menu etc. I have emailed to ask why the review was not published but have received no response. Since then, a new positive review of Roly Saul’s has been published adding to the “star rating” of the restaurant. I am very annoyed, as my initially husband chose this restaurant for my Birthday meal as a result of reading the previous incredibly positive MenuPages reviews. Had he read similar reviews to mine there’s no way he would have chosen it. I find it appalling that a site masquerades itself as a “review” site but in fact they only publish the positve ones. It’s so typical of this country to try to prop up bad restaurants by hiding the truth about how bad many actually are.

  10. Hi Mairead, I have checked our admin system – you are a new user on the site (welcome!) and your account has 1 review posted on it for Siam Thai – you posted it on the 3rd Feb. I have checked the transaction history on your account and you have not clicked to “submit review” for any other restaurants – sometimes people write reviews and don’t actually click submit – possible in this case? We have received 11 reviews for Roly Saul – some good, some terrible ranging from 1* to 5* but all have been posted. Thanks, Sandra

  11. And regarding your email inquiry querying the review, you did only send that to us last night at 5.13pm – so we didn’t get a chance to reply before you posted your comment on this site this morning. Thanks, Sandra

  12. For the record, I won’t be allowing any further comments from “Sandra Egan” on this site until they return to and comment on the continuing criticism of their dodgy dealings there.

    Their latest act of duplicity is to comment as someone else on Adrian Weckler’s blog. Duplicitous and cowardly.
