“Artists” Me Arse!

You might recognise a couple of names on the Artists page of the Haydn Shaughnessy Gallery website, Cork’s own Ryan Whalley and Donncha O Caoimh. I’m delighted to see their work showcased as I love their style, particularly now it’s matured. I’m looking forward to travelling to Kinsale to see their work framed, and check out the other artists of course.

Ryan will be photographing myself and T’s wedding next July, and although we’ll have to keep him on a leash for a little while for the bog standard wedding photos, we hope there’ll be a few shots in his unique style too. If he’s not swanning off around the world drinking champagne and doinking the rich and famous in art gallery nooks and crannies, that is.

I’m sure I’m breaking all sorts of rules posting their pics here, but screw them, sure they’re useless anyway. :)

Inniscarra Dam by Ryan Whalley
Iniscarra Dam by Ryan Whally

Donncha O Caoimh
Pharmacy Window by Donncha O Caoimh

(Thanks for the heads-up Damien.)

3 responses

  1. Thanks for the mention Adam! We’re just back from a week in Kerry and catching up on everything. I may even find the opportunity to pop my head in on the gallery tomorrow!