BMW 1 Series Coupé

Pug ugly. And that’s just the front, look at the arse on it! For the love of god, take the keys of the design studio off the useless lump that came up with this bland piece of crap, and give them back to Bangle.

BMW 1 Series Coupé

3 responses

  1. The “1” is also very expensive, at least the first generation, considering how cramped and plastic it feels inside, and how few gadgets come as standard. Too much of a difference in price to justify rear-wheel drive – which is, honestly, the only selling point the car actually has*.

    (* Actually, I think BMW should make a much bigger deal out of the fact that all of their cars are very fuel-efficient. The new “1” even has automatic engine cut-off and dynamo brakes!).

  2. I’ve never been in one Mark, although I do have to admit going against the grain and lusting after one. I think the hatch is a beautiful car; I’ve never understood the rail against it. Sheer nobbery I reckon.

    [That was meant to be “snobbery”, but “nobbery” works too.]

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