Feisty Fawn Refusal

Ubuntu’s Feisty Fawn beta fell at the first for me, wouldn’t start X and hung there so I couldn’t get at the error log and submit it as a bug. I’ve always had problems getting Linux up and running but I’ve nearly always suceeded in the end, despite a succession of somewhat kooky hardware. This time it’s a high-end-but-nothing-mad Dimension 9200 that surely ships to quite a few Ubuntu users, and if anything it’s a step back since the last version of Ubuntu worked on it, albeit with some tweaking. Shame really, I’ve been looking forward to playing with it; hopefully it’ll be fixed in the final release.

2 responses

  1. I’ve had that problem with all of the recent Ubuntu releases. I’ve got a fairly standard Nvidia gfx card (7800gt) so have been frustrated by this in the past. I have always had to use alternate installs (rather than live cd). Installing the nvidia drivers fixes it, but it is that bit awkward when you can’t ctrl-alt-f2 to the terminal once X has frozen your system.

  2. Absolutely. I have an ATI card meself, but who doesn’t have one or the other these days? Even the crap machines have an onboard version. There should really be an option to install without booting into the desktop.