Official: Gambling A Mug’s Game

And I’m the mug. Boyle Sports had a “we’ll match your deposit” offer a while back, so I decided to fire in a tenner and play the geegees with tips from the Horse Racing forum on as my sole point of reference, as a sort of experiment.

Long story short, I blew my last €7.36 today on a long shot, and the experiment is a resounding failure. Fun though.

2 responses

  1. I’m the same, but after seeing my brother win hundreds on the Grand National, I have been tempted to start playing with a few euro here and there.

  2. No harm imho James, as long as you – that’s a collective you, not you personally – can afford to lose the money and it remains a leisure pursuit, nothing more. I’ll probably play around a little more in time meself.