Category: Random

The Ultimate Blog Post

Obviously it couldn’t be this post, because I’m not a blogger. And the post itself isn’t either, because it’s not on a blog. And it’s really not an Ultimate anything. But it is funny. Because it is true.

Cue outrage from bloggers, or possibly some kind of long diatribe on why the sites in question aren’t blogs at all, why the writer is unqualified to comment, why the sky is blue and why I’ve fallen asl…

10 news stories the media is ignoring

I consider myself fairly with it in the Governments And Corporations Are Bastards dept, and I hadn’t heard of half of these. And Project Censored has another fifteen.

  1. The Feds and the media muddy the debate over Internet freedom
  2. Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technology to Iran
  3. World oceans in extreme danger
  4. Hunger and homelessness increasing in the United States
  5. High-tech genocide in Congo
  6. Federal whistleblower protection in jeopardy
  7. U.S. operatives torture detainees to death in Afghanistan and Iraq
  8. Pentagon exempt from Freedom of Information Act
  9. World Bank funds Israel-Palestine wall
  10. Expanded air war in Iraq kills more civilians

Cheerio Harney

For some reason everyone is texting to tell me that Harney’s gone, could ye stop now please? I’m no fan of the PDs – if they were any more right wing they’d be consulting a uniform designer and doing dodgy salutes – but there’s a lot worse than Harney out there.

Course if McDohell was made Leader I’d have to strap some explosives to my chest and pay the smarmy hypocritical arsehole a visit. (/me awaits visit from the PDSS)

Should make for an interesting leadership battle though. The foundations have been laid for months, and it looks like it’s going to be a nasty one. Well, hopefully…

Michele on the IEDR

Nice piece by Michele in this month’s IEDR newsletter. I agree with pretty much everything he says bar the second-level domain names, which I consider redundant in IE (bad redundant, not good redundant). Great to see an API at last, I’ll be taking advantage of that myself shortly when I start automating my setup.

And yes, well done to everyone in the registry for really turning it around, it’s great to see a shine coming through that nasty Fagan tarnish. Please, keep up the good work.