Author: Adam

O2 Ireland’s ARPU falls in Q1

Excellent, about time they stopped raping Irish users. Now all they need to do is cut it by another 50% or so.

SiliconRepublic: Mobile operator O2 said this morning that monthly blended average revenue per user (ARPU) “combining voice and data revenue” fell from €45.2 in the fourth quarter to €44.2 in the first quarter of 2008.

Baby Lambo

And not the horrendous Gallardo, thank god!

Baby Lambo

Baby Ferrari, Jaguar and Maserati too!

EDRI tells the BOI story like it is…

While the national media treat the story like a tiny little inconvenience and parrot the bank’s line that improper use of the data is unlikely, EDRI tells it like it is in just once sentence:

The personal data of about 10,000 customers of the Bank of Ireland are now in the possession of thieves as four laptops with the unencrypted data were stolen from the bank between June and October 2007.

The laptops were stolen by thieves. Bad people. People that will take every advantage that’s available to them.

Some crossover with the banks there, it seems…

Despite our litigious society…

…or perhaps because of it, we need to see more of this sort of thing, put snotty little smartassed kids back in their boxes.

(Presuming it’s not mocked up of course…)

Beer v3

Forgot to say, I’ll be in the Franciscan Well from 6 or 7 this evening for a few pints. There’ll be a few CLUGgers there, and a few Boardsies. See you later if you’re around. Email for my number if you need to help finding us. :)