Although to be fair to Mark from the Sunday Times, he did tell me he’d be doing a piece and quoting me, unlike the thieving hacks in the Star who steal content from on a near-weekly basis. This is in relation to Amazon’s decision to start shipping electronics and the like to Ireland again. I’ll continue down this road.
Adam Beecher, another blogger, is not impressed with the internet retailer’s change of heart. “I’ll continue to buy elsewhere, apart from exceptional circumstances,†he said. “I have no intention of jumping back into bed with them just because they flip a bad decision three years later, and implement the change badly while they’re at it.â€
I would like to say though, Mark, that it would be nicer if you asked, rather than informed. I understand you don’t have to for a simple soundbyte, but it’s nice to be nice. But thanks anyway, I appreciate it.
I’m sure I’ve posted this before at some point, and I don’t care. It’s simply one of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen.
Via AutoBlog.
It’s supposed to look like this…
But I think I prefer the mule…
Via Autoespot.
I don’t envy my sister in London, having to deal with the social problems this kind of idiocy propogates. The people responsible for commissioning and approving this should be forced to read 1984 a hundred times, Brazil style.
(Click for bigger.)
Via Boing Boing.
Or failing that just a dual-DVI cable I can borrow for a day or two?
I have a horse of a monitor here that’s all fuzzy and I want to test it before I send it back. Tried replacing the video card but it’s not that, and I don’t want to buy any other components, or be raped at PC World for something that should cost 10 or 20 notes.
I went karting for the first time on Tuesday, I think that and the quadding is the cloest I’ll ever get. :)
Via AutoBlog.
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