Author: Adam

The Zoo (TV Series)

Myself and T visit the Zoo at least 3 or 4 times every year with our Fota membership, it’ll be great to see some of the behind the scenes stuff. I just hope T doesn’t explode when the heffalumps come on! Anyone got a copy of episode one by any chance?

Sir Henry’s – 120bpm

Finally got around to watching all of this. I only got the tail end of Henry’s, caught a few sweats before they faded out but I ended up spending most of my time in Freakscene. It amazing even then though, I just can’t imagine what it must have been like at it’s peak.

Crystal Swing

This was hilarious until I noticed the 021 number. I think it might actually be real. If it isn’t, the person responsible is an evil genius.

(Via Graham.)

Please Rob Me

ROFL. 12 “opportunities” in Ireland. I should really add a “twitter users are retarded” category here.

Chip & PIN Broken

ZDNet: Chip-and-PIN readers can be tricked into accepting transactions without a valid personal identification number, opening the door to fraud, researchers have found.

Researchers at Cambridge University have found a fundamental flaw in the EMV — Europay, MasterCard, Visa — protocol that underlies chip-and-PIN validation for debit and credit cards.

As a consequence, a device can be created to modify and intercept communications between a card and a point-of-sale terminal, and fool the terminal into accepting that a PIN verification has succeeded.

“Chip and PIN is fundamentally broken,” Professor Ross Anderson of Cambridge University told ZDNet UK. “Banks and merchants rely on the words 'Verified by PIN' on receipts, but they don't mean anything.”

(Also, see Ross’s paper on 3D Secure.)