Author: Adam

Web-Advertised Houses Generate Higher Prices

This is a US story so the differences might not be as stark in Ireland, but there’s no doubt in my mind that if a seller puts some time and imagination into the process, it will still be appreciable. In the example cited. using a realtor rate of 6%, that difference is a whopping $12,225.

(I don’t say “whopping” very often, but that really is whopping.)

Aodhan Cullen nominated for BusinessWeek award

The founder of StatCounter has been nominated for a BusinessWeek Young Entrepreneur award, and in my opinion he deserves a vote. Aodhan started the service when he was 16, and the way he developed the service, both technically and professionally, is quite honestly mind-boggling for someone that young chipping away on his own.

The service itself – a remote web stats application – has consistently been the best available, and his attitude to customer service and communications has impressed me since I first bumped into him on some time ago. You can read a note from Aodhan on the StatCounter blog. You can tell he didn’t actually write the post himself. :)

SelfKiss (nsfw?)

People kissing. Themselves. Oddly disturbing, except, for some bizarre reason, the two black ladies. They’re a wee bit hawt. Am I racist in a really weird way?

[Image removed on request. I’ll remove the link too, you obviously don’t want the publicity. Where’s my :rolleyes: smiley?]

€140 Laptop

Asus chair Jonney Shih pulled a Steve Jobs at Computex today, with a Linux-powered solid-state HDD notebook priced at $189 dollars; although we’ll probably get gouged over here at €189. Not pretty and storage is miniscule, but feck, what a price point!

€189 Asus Notebook

Battle at Kruger

If the tourist chatter annoys you just turn it down, but keep watching…

A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 crocodiles at a watering hole in South Africa’s Kruger National Park while on safari.

Bank of PayPal

The FAQ is here, but in a nutshell they’re saying their transfer to Luxembourg won’t affect you. In reality probably will, although whether it’ll be good or bad remains to be seen.