Mark it in your Calendar

29th of July 2008 is the big day. And now back to your usual mindless programming.

20 responses

  1. No no, Tom will organise the wedding and have it clash with the name of some O’Reilly wedding and I’ll look after the luggage for the honeymoon.

    Seriously, congrats man. Genuinely delighted for you.

  2. Gor, Wedding 3.0, how cool would that be! (In an Adam way of course.)

    Thanks Damien. I’m delighted too. :-D

  3. So now I’m a wedding planner too?

    Adam, if I have to live blog the wedding, who will be NOC Commander?


    Great news Adam – well done.

  4. hamster,

    May i be the first person to congratulate the first person I have never actually met in person congratulations on getting hitched..or something like that..

    Congrats Adam, lucky man. I hope your broadcasting it via livestream…I’ll be watching :)


  5. Thanks Frank, John and Bernard!

    No webcam Bernard. I’m going with stop-motion animated gifs of half-hourly updates on my road to obscene drunkeness, and a collage wall capturing the moments when people realise they should be offended by what I said when they say hello.

    I won’t invite you to the afters, just to keep this beautiful relationship going. ;)

  6. May I also extend hearty, if belated, congratulations. I’d be more than happy to provide my nuptial jestering service. A small slice of cake is all I demand. Enjoy these months while you can, eh ;-)

  7. Consider it marked – great news – congratulations again – looking forward to buying you both a congratulatory drink or whatever people do under the circumstances – best w.