Inside the Goodfellas pizza factory in Naas
Video on the Beeb. 150m pizzas a year apparently! Can’t embed, sorry.
Video on the Beeb. 150m pizzas a year apparently! Can’t embed, sorry.
Ever wonder why they disappeared and the flat flat ones replaced them? Well, neither did I, but it turns out to have been for quite an interesting reason!
This is for wifey. Wifey likey heffalumps.
This amazing mechanic design [by Andrew Chase] was made out of transmission parts, electrical conduits, plumbing pipes and 20 gauge cold rolled steel. It is 36″ X 36″ X 18″ and weights about 85 lbs. All the joints move and lock in place, turning a gear on the elephant’s side winds a cable around a shaft which raises and lowers the trunk and the ears move back and forth and can fan out (to dissipate heat).
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